An Article by Donny Meyer

JULY 18, 2024

 “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.” (Ephesians 4:29)

As our whole lives are now to be conformed unto Christ, our conversations are wholly included in that. While we walked in darkness, our conversations were guided by darkness. Therefore, for those who have come into the light, we do not even know how to converse with others. The way that we conversed with others was fashioned by our own sinful desires, as well as the instruction we received from the world around us. The motives in our conversations were sinful, as well as the content. Paul gives us some insight into how we ought to converse with one another in Ephesians 4.

He says: “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” (Eph. 4:29 ESV)

Our conversations must be intentional in that we speak with the purpose of building up. But notice how intentional one is to be in his conversations: “as fits the occasion.” One can speak edifying words, but not speak words that fit the occasion. The kind of speaking that Paul instructs us unto is one of love. One who speaks edifying words that fit the occasion is one who is attentive to the one to whom he is speaking and truly is concerned for their welfare. He has listened to the one to whom he is speaking, he has observed the one to whom he is speaking, and he has prayed for the one to whom he is speaking. In short, he knows of the person or knows the person very well and intentionally speaks according to their need. This he does because he has a genuine love for the one he converses with.

A man who speaks edifying words that do not fit the occasion, and does so consistently, only makes plain that he is concerned to show how much he knows. He is not a man who listens to the one to whom he is speaking, but he is one who only cares to be heard. He is not a man who watches others, but only cares for others to watch him. In other words, he thinks highly of himself and wants others to think highly of him as well. There is no need for that because God’s love for a man is not based on how much he knows, or anything else the man can do. God’s love was not earned, nor could be earned, but God simply loves all who come unto Him. No man deserves God’s love, but rather God’s wrath. God freely bestows His love upon sinners in, and through, His beloved Son. Therefore, we have no need to speak simply to be heard. We have no need to speak in a way that only benefits self. Our only need in speaking is to speak out of love for those to whom we are speaking. Those words are edifying words that fit the occasion. Our work of love includes our personal conversations with others. Therefore, the way we converse with others must be conformed to the image of Christ.

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