AUGUST 20, 2024
“One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” (Ephesians 4:6)
Having theological positions, belonging to a particular local church is necessary; belonging to a local church that holds to foundational theological positions that you agree with is necessary. While these particulars are necessary, we must always remember that there is only one God and that He has only one Heavenly Jerusalem. This is extremely important to understand because of the great reality that God has His people everywhere and that not all of God’s people have come to the same understanding in particular areas outside of the gospel. Because of our limited understandings now, and our wrestlings with sin here on earth, the one body of Christ represents different positions on matters outside of the gospel and are not fully one theologically. This is the case for those in the local church; as well as the churches that differ one from another in certain theological positions. But we can never forget that this will not remain forever! Our different views now will only last for a short period of time. Once that short period of time is quickly over, we will become wholly one in the day that our sanctification comes to its consummation. There is coming a day in which we will see the people of God as they really are with the greatest of clarity, mingled with no sin. We will see them as one family!
While we look forward to that day, we do not have to wait to see God’s people in that way. We must understand now, that all who believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ and follow after Christ as their Lord are one family, regardless of their differences on issues outside of the gospel. One difference on theological issues outside of the gospel does not change the fact that we are one in Christ. This oneness in Christ took place in Christ’s resurrection. When He was raised from the grave, so were all of His people. He was raised for our justification, and He is “the Lord our Righteousness.” God sees all of His redeemed as His sons, regardless of the understanding that they have acquired or not acquired. If they have believed in Christ and own Him as their Savior, the Father owns them as His sons. The sons of God ought to see one another no other way than that. We ought to never see others who differ from us outside of salvific matters different than us but love them as we love our own bodies! We must see one another in Christ, and own one another in Christ, as our beloved brothers in Christ! It is the great reward of our salvation not only in its consummation, but it is also God’s special gift now! The Lord of Glory had reconciled us unto Himself and has given us the most beautiful family all of creation will ever know. Cherish, adore, and prize highly the gifts of God and see that His praises be lifted upon high!